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Merrymount Elementary School 617-984-8762
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Address 4 Agawam Road
City Quincy
State/Region Massachusetts
Country United States
Postal Code 02169
Phone 617-984-8762
Website http://www.quincypublicschools.com/schools/merrymount/main_page.shtml
Hours of Operation

Merrymount, an ideally located K-5 elementary school, is located in a neighborhood of quiet streets and private homes. The school grounds include well-groomed grounds and Perkins Field, a grassy-surfaced playground. The building's smaller design, dating back to 1928, helps maintain the neighborhood-school atmosphere that is appealing to both families and staff at Merrymount. The brick building, with its red front doors, welcomes students into a carefully maintained school. In 1977, an addition of a gym/cafeteria, a media center, two classrooms, a staff lounge, storage space, and an elevator enhanced our school and made the building accessible to the physically challenged. Merrymount School is updated and technologically prepared to meet the needs of students in the foreseeable future, yet it possesses the charm and character reminiscent of the days of the "schoolhouse era."
  Listing #:   16   
  Date Created:   1/30/2011
  Last Updated:   1/30/2011
  Date Expired:   Never expire
  View:   1403